Investments should be in the growth option rather than in the dividend option. This is not only about tax efficiency but about the principle of building your long-term corpus. Expecting…
Date Archives December 2017
DEUpdate: Mauritius: Credit Process and Certification Design: SME
Consulting Assignment: SME Credit Process and Certification Design After having successfully delivered on the consulting assignment for Collection Strategy and initiating the next assignment in Retail Asset Consulting, the Client has…
DEUpdate: Mauritius: Credit Process: Retail Assets
Consulting Assignment: Retail Asset Credit Process and Certification Design We are happy to share that the assignment – ‘Collections Strategy Consulting and Implementation’ – published to you in October, 2017…
Bankrupt Corporations Don’t Need Protection
SYNOPSISWe should object to not only the ‘bail-in’ clause of the FRDI Bill, but also to anything that is an unjustified drag on the system. We all are stakeholders in…
US Fed Rate Hikes: Relevant For India, But Not A Market Driver
In today’s globally integrated markets, investors need to track not just events in India but the global environment. However, one needs to have the priority correct on the impact on…