Prevention of Sexual Harassment Regulation (POSH) – Movie Based

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Prevention of Sexual Harassment Regulation (POSH) – Movie Based


Sexual harassment at workplace is considered a violation of women’s right to equality, life & liberty. It creates an insecure and hostile work environment which discourages women’s participation at work thereby adversely affecting their social and economic empowerment as individuals and also hampers the organisational goal of an inclusive culture and growth.

The objective of this program is to impart the knowledge on the issue of sexual harassment of women at workplace in accordance with THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORKPLACE (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION AND REDRESSAL) ACT, 2013, the consequences of the acts of sexual harassment on the individuals as well as on the organizations and to develop the capabilities of the “INTERNAL COMMITTEE/S” set up for prevention, prohibition and redressal of the complaints pertaining to sexual harassment at workplaces.

What you’ll get?

  • Series of 4 video episodes (duration 1 hour)
  • Knowlens certificate
  • Subscription Validity is One Month from the enrolment

The video series is titled Step-Up.

SKU: POSH_46004 Category:


This is a self-paced, movie-based course that can be accessed on a desktop or smartphone. It contains a series of 4 episodes; each episode is followed by an analysis and quiz.

This course will be beneficial to:

  • Employees
  • Line managers
  • IC team members

Highlights of POSH Course:

The course covers following topics:

  • What is Sexual Harassment?
  • Organizational Responsibility
  • Grievance Redressal and Challenges and Impact

About the Author:

Knowlens is a pioneer in multi-media based visual digital learning. It uses a mix of films (actor based and animation based), seamlessly integrated through a powerful instructional design with a range of interactive technology features.

For an online demo and how this course enhances the learning experience of our Solution Content-Ready Learning Portal (CRLP), please reach out to us. If you wish to subscribe to this course for you or employees of your organisation, please share your contact details at

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