Till date, no long term instrument rated AAA by CRISIL has ever defaulted. For instruments rated AA, the average 3-year default rate is less than 1 percent, which means if…
Posts TaggedRisk Management
Fixed Income: RBI Policy Review Coming, Invest In Liquid Funds Just Before April 6
Invest in liquid funds just before April 6 as these are least volatile. Shift to ultra short-term funds later as per your investment needs. For tracking your investments, you need…
Go For Balanced Funds Or Risk-Adjusted Returns
Balanced Funds have equity allocation ranging 65% to 70% We tend to evaluate performance of funds by returns only, which is what is relevant for the investor. For analytical purposes,…
Preference Shares: Relevant For Fixed Income Investors
Preference shares depict features of bonds when one looks at risk-return profile. The term preference share evokes mixed reactions in terms of the risk-return profile, and is perceived as a…
Should You Invest In A Bank Perpetual Bond?
The acceptability of these bonds is increasing gradually as more financial institutions and HNIs are taking exposure. We have seen a host of Bank Additional Tier I (AT1) Perpetual Bond…