Your Money: Dividend yield stocks – A less-risky bet. The conventional appr-oach to equity investing is that companies that are doing well, are the better ones, worthy of investing. There…
Posts TaggedEconomics
RBI Raises Repo Rate As Expected, But Does Not Hint At End To Hikes
The possible reason the RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee has kept the door open for future rate hikes is that while inflation has eased, it is still higher than the RBI’s…
Your Money: Union Budget Is Not A Portfolio Shuffling Game
Watch out for any tax changes that may affect your net returns. There are certain things that are portrayed as, and perceived as, different from what it stands for. The…
RBI Hikes Interest Rate As Expected, And Keeps The Door Open For Further Hikes
Fixed rate loans, referred to as MCLR (marginal cost-based lending rate) move up with a lag. On the other side of the table, the move stands to benefit depositors. Even…
Global Aspects Influence But Domestic Factors Are The Ones That Decide
SYNOPSISOnly when the fundamental decisive aspects change, you need to do a serious review. To start with the obvious, your returns from equity investments depend upon the EPS (earnings per…
As RBI Hikes Rates, Expect Higher Interest On Loans And Deposits
Today’s policy rate action was per expectations. Going by statements in the press conference, future rate action will depend on how the inflation pans out. It is likely there would…
Inflation Isn’t In Your Control, So Worry Not
If prices are rising quickly, your investments should compensate for the trend; but that does not mean changing your portfolio allocation strategy These days, a lot of opinions are being…
RBI Policy: Interest Rate Hikes Ruled Out, More Transparency For Borrowers
Joydeep Sen In the run-up to today’s review by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the RBI, the question in everybody’s mind was that “inflation is benign, so they should…
Opinion | Tax Rules On Financial Assets And The Message From the Government
Tax exemptions or any beneficial tax treatment, in the context of investments, are not only about the exemptions but also carry a message from the government. The message is about…
RBI Does Not Hike Interest Rates, But Stick To Shorter Maturity Bond Funds
Joydeep Sen The RBI Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) presented the fourth bi-monthly monetary policy statement for 2018-19 today. By now you are aware that policy rates have been maintained, that…
How To Take Advantage Of Rising Short Term Interest Rates
Joydeep Sen Yield levels of short maturity debt instruments, also known as money market instruments, have moved up i.e. prices have come down. Liquidity in the banking system is not as…
RBI Credit Policy Review: The Wise Men Remain ‘Neutral’
Joydeep Sen The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) presented its Second Bi‐monthly Monetary Policy Statement for 2018-19 on Wednesday. It raised rates by 25 basis points after almost four-and-a-half years. Overnight repo…