Certification For Mortgage Professional

Terms & Conditions

1. Placement disclaimer

a. Subscriber clearly agrees that no representations or guarantees have been made by TrainingCentral Solutions towards job placements, salaries or any other, any discussions or correspondence in this regard are only indicative and do not imply a contractual obligation. TrainingCentral Solution’s contractual obligation is limited to the type of program training provided.

b. TrainingCentral Solutions does not guarantee placement to any of the subscribers against subscription to any variant of its Certifications and Programs.

c. TrainingCentral offers placement assistance to the subscriber on successful completion of the Programs where the programs are associate with job functions in corporates.

2. Certification subscription durations are provided in the Program features. Kindly read the features carefully. Your access to all the learning tools, sessions, test and so on will discontinue after the duration are lapsed. In exception condition, and totally at the discretion of the TrainingCentral Solutions management, access duration can be extended. For an extension, kindly write in to contact@trainingcentral.co.in and describe the request in detail, with a description of the circumstances why the provided duration was inadequate.

3. For some of the segments of the programs, subscribers may incur additional expenditure on items such as project work, assignments, specialist materials and supplementary instrumental tuition; although some subsidy from TrainingCentral Solutions may be available to meet such expenditure, responsibility for payment will rest with the subscriber.

4. For Program Features where the subscriber is assured an interview with the Client, the Client decision on the interview schedule is final. If the Client communicates cancellation of the interviews or if the Client rejects a subscriber’s candidature after conducting the interview, the decision by the Client is final. TrainingCentral Solutions cannot be held liable for the Clients decision.

5. Payment Terms: Payment for the program is expected to be made in full on subscription. However, TrainingCentral accepts part payment for the course as per the milestones depending on the Plan selected –

CMP- Interview Assured Program

               10% – Advance – Before Start of Program

               40% – Before Classroom Training Enrolment

               50% – Before accessing Final Test

CMP – Employment-Oriented Program

               15% – Advance – Before Start of Program

               35% – Before Classroom Training Enrolment

               50% – Before accessing Final Test

Your payment of the Advance does not give you the right to the segments of the Certification beyond the next milestone.

6. For additional details on Terms of Use, the Refunds Policy therein and Privacy Policy, kindly refer to the home page https://trainingcentral.co.in for TrainingCentral’s policies in these topics.

7. Refer-and-Earn Scheme

  • Refer any friends, relatives and others who meet the criteria to take up the Certification and earn rebates on your Interview-Assured Plan fees as below for each person you refer
    • 1 Reference – 3%
    • 2 References – 6%
    • 3 References – 8%
    • More than 3 references – 10%
  • You will receive this rebate after your full subscription is received. Thus, once you subscribe to the applicable plan, you can share additional References. For your additional References, you will receive a refund on your fees.
  • Refer-and-Earn Scheme is applicable only on the Interview-Assured Plans, both for yourself as well as your references. Your References should also subscribe to the Interview-Assured Plans. Subscription to any other Plan is not covered in this Scheme.
  • Refer-and-Earn Scheme cannot be applied in conjunction with any other discount coupons offered.
  • Maximum Rebate offered under this scheme is 10%. Should you wish to refer more than 3 references, please reach out to us at contact@trainingcentral.co.in for additional advantages.
  • Only References who have fully paid the prevalent subscription fees for the Interview-Assured plan will be considered for the Refer-and-Earn scheme.
  • For seeking a rebate in your subscription fees, write to us at contact@trainingcentral.co.in prior to the References subscribing and making the payment so that the subscription will be considered for your rebate and the refund processing on your fees can be actioned.
  • Your References will not be covered under the refund policy (refer Terms of Use link below for the Refund Policy) and will not be eligible for the refund of their fees. They, however, will be considered for the partial refund in case they are unsuccessful in the Interview and are registered for the Employment-Oriented repository.
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