Certification In Finance: A Large All-india Training Service Provider 

TrainingCentral Product: Training Solution Design and Delivery
Design of 250+ hour content to prepare fresh graduates for a career in Banking & Finance.

Target Audience: Graduating Students from various streams desirous of pursuing careers in Banks, NBFCs and other financial institutions.
Training Mode & Duration: Company-branded Certification delivered through program durations between 3 and 6 months over classroom as well as online modes
Unique features

  • 250+ hours Banking Certification
  • Complete coverage of all aspects of general banking, retail assets, liabilities, treasury, forex, corporate banking, legal aspects in banking and rural banking.
  • Option to client to access TC’s 350+ training network.
  • Variants of pure classroom, pure online as well as ‘flipped’ classroom models
  • Ability to periodically upgrade content in line with developments in industry.
  • Controlled online assessment and practical exercises to ensure authenticity of outcomes.
  • Linkages with banks, NBFCs and financial institutions planned for offtake of successful applications

TC delivery
Training content, inclusive of PPT, Trainer’s Guide, Participant’s Guide.
TC delivery

  • Complete end-to-end content development services from Subject Matter Expert input to classroom delivery based on TrainingCentral’s unique network of trainers, India’s largest industry-specific trainer network.
  • Ongoing content upgrade support

Achievement Highlights

  • Project delivered as per schedule.
  • Unique certification covering all aspects of banking with online and traditional classroom training.

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