170204 DEUpdate: Interrogation Methodology in forensic/fraud detection


DE Bulletin Board (DEBB) Updates
Greetings from TrainingCentral! We have the following requirement to conduct a session from one of the top financial institutions in the country.
Client One of the top financial institutions (FI) in India with offerings in Capital Markets and Financial Services


The FI wishes to conduct a training in-house for the forensic/ fraud detection team with the objective of refining the investigative skills of the team members.

The trainer will conduct the session in-house to train the forensic analysts on the effective interviewing techniques to derive the meaningful and correct information. These should cover approach to questioning and interrogation, articulation of questions, type of questions to ask, how to ask, what to document, and so on when investigating a potential fraud.

Qualifications Banking and financial professionals experienced in audit, investigation of finance fraud, economic fraud and similar areas welcome. Those having formal Certifications in Forensic Accounting, Forensic Analysis and Fraud Detection welcome. Knowledge and experience in investigating Money Laundering cases will be an added advantage.
Location Not relevant. DE could be based anywhere.
Duration,Dates,Timelines Session proposed to be conducted mid-Feb, 2017.
Doc Link (If Any) NA
Status Update This training was successfully conducted by DE no. 302. The feedback has been positive; we await formal feedback from the Client.


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