Assignment name | Project Centre for Financial Literacy (8 languages) |
Languages/Location within country: Spanning 8 languages (English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Ladakhi, Urdu, Punjabi) | Duration of assignment (months): Project execution: 10 months (through the COVID pandemic) |
Name of Client: A Leading CSR in India with a mandate to deliver financial inclusion/literacy by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) | Total No. of staff-months of the assignment: 60 person months approx. Project Manager 1: 8 months Project Manager 2: 6 months Technical Support: 12 months Graphic Designer: 8 months Subject Matter Expert: 8 days Instructional Designer: 5 months Translator: 7 translators – 18,000×7 words Voice-over Artists: none Illustrator: none |
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: | Ref CSR Client, provided on request. |
Start date (month/year): Nov 2021 Completion date (month/year): 15 Sept, 2022 | No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants: 36 months (approx.. |
Description of Project: Target Audience: Field Workers of CRISIL Foundation working in the Central for Financial Literacy (CFL) centres with Vernacular Education – 12th standard or graduates. Selected from villages to work at Block level as Business Facilitators. Program Pre-requisites: Access to online mobile app with delivery of video tutorials and other learning activities. Program Objectives: The Centre for Financial Literacy project has been conceptualised by the Reserve Bank in 2017 as an innovative and participatory approach to financial literacy at the Block level involving select banks and non-governmental organisation (NGOs). Initially set up in 100 blocks on a pilot basis, the project is now being scaled up across the country to every block in a phased manner by March 2024. CRISIL Foundation is the only corporate CSRs participating in the implementation of the CFL project. During the expansion phase, CRISIL Foundation has been given a mandate to set up and operationalise 429 CFL centres. This training program is developed for the induction of newly recruited CFL field team members. The expected training outcomes will be measured through achievements of business targets defined by RBI as below: • Each CFL Centre will cover 3 blocks Coverage 1. About the CFL Project Program Methodology TrainingCentral delivered the complete content, program flow and videorecording based program for the training. The training program is required to be delivered in 8 languages – English, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Urdu and Ladhaki. TrainingCentral submitted a design which envisaged the training program to be delivered using video recording of trainers in the respective 8 languages delivering the training. The recording would then be superimposed with engaging graphics to make the delivery interactive and interesting. Accordingly, TrainingCentral set-up its recording studio in the Charni Road office in South Mumbai. A key project risk arose due to the occurrence of the Omicron pandemic, which threatened to disturb the complete schedule, especially as metros were impacted hard due to the pandemic. As risk mitigant, TrainingCentral requested the client’s go-ahead to set-up a parallel video recording studio in Mohali, as two of the language trainers were based there and it could be a hub for the North India-based trainers. This was done in record time and two studios functioned in parallel for the recording of the training. At the time of writing, the video recording of all but 2 languages were completed, and post-production tasks were underway. |
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment: Content Development Storyboard Creation: 1st level review and update on the basis of client’s feedback Video Shooting: across all 8 languages anchored by 8 trainers in finance Graphic Design, 1st level review and update on the basis of client’s feedback Illustration and Artwork: None Voice Over recording: None Development of the course: Animation, Video-cutting, Retrofitting, syncing; completed In-house Testing and quality check for e-learning content Assistance to client’s IT Team for LMS setup Mobile App customization |
Project Centre for Financial Literacy (8 languages)

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