CPA (Credit Processing Assistant) Training

Assignment name CPA (Credit Processing Assistant) Training The CPA training was designed for the CPA working with Credit Underwriter (CU), to make sure they are well acquainted with the products and thus support the function of the CU well.
Country: India Location within country Duration of assignment (months): 3 months
Name of Client: Reliance Commercial Finance (RCF)  

Total No. of staff-months of the assignment: 7.5 months

Project Manager 1: 1 month
Project Manager 2: 2 months
Project Manager 3: 2 months
Graphic Designer: 0.5 month

Contact Person, Title/Designation Mr. Sanjay Talukdar, L&D Manager
Start date (month/year): August 2016 Completion date (month/year): December 2016 No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants: 5.5 months
Name of associated Consultants, if any

Name of senior professional staff of your consulting firm/organization  involved and designation and/or functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):

Manoj Navalkar, Project Manager

  • Understanding the client requirement in terms of their final desired outcome
  • Discussion with client staff to understand areas where they are unclear as to policy
  • Design of the Classroom approach
  • Listing of the Table of Content

Sonal Navalkar, Project Manager

  • Preparation of Classroom Training presentation
  • Review of Live cases received from client for designing case studies
  • Conduct of Train The Trainer (TTT) session

Roshani Kothari, Project Manager

  • Preparation of Classroom Training material including Trainer’s and  Participant’s Guide

Description of Project:

The CPA Training was developed for RCF which is one of the top players in Retail Assets domain. In this competitive market, it is essential for RCF to ensure that TAT to the customer is maintained. The training focused on main areas to ensure:
1. The file is logged in with all necessary documents from the customer duly signed and stamped. A first time Right or FTR makes it possible to achieve the targeted TAT
2. The initial financial template is completed by CPA in keeping with the requirements of the Credit Appraisal department
3. To enhance the understanding of the CPA on analysis of financial  documents and basic financial  ratios. Prior to this training, FTR ratio of RCF was 74% which increased to 95% after training. L&D Manager of this project received recognition from the organization for this achievement.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
1. Design of the Classroom approach
2. Listing of the Table of Content
3. Structuring of content for classroom training
4. Case studies preparation, Development of Trainer’s Guide and Participant’s Workbook
5. Graphic design for classroom training presentation
6. Conduct of Train The Trainer (TTT) session

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