Project | TC QuizTime |
Start Date | July 17, 2024 |
End Date | No End Date |
About TrainingCentral
TrainingCentral Solutions (TC) is a specialist in Compliance and Finance training. Banks and Finance companies use TC’s extensive catalogues of India-specific courses to train their employees cost-effectively. TC’s flagship solution – Content Ready Learning Portal (CRLP) is a SAAS model which rolls out a learning portal complete with courseware within a fraction of an in-house deployment timeline and cost. CRLP offers industry-specific features like QuizTime, The Knowledge DEN, Gamified offerings, Proctoring and SkillingCentral which is unique to it. TC has delivered to 90+ clients over 15+ years of service.
TC resells iSpring Solutions products in India. iSpring Solutions offers the latest technology in online learning through its award-winning Authoring Tool – iSpring Suite – and its very popular Learning Management System – iSpring Learn. iSpring is present in 172 countries and has serviced 59000 clients over its 23 years in the market.
Project TC Quiztime is for creation of Question Banks solely based on Regulator (RBI, SEBI, GoI, IRDA and others) Circulars. Regulators publish updates to circulars in various areas of their respective areas of supervision which banks, NBFCs, Fintech companies, HFCs, corporates, listed companies, and others follow.
One question bank is to be created for each topic of regulatory circulars that is published e.g. RBI – Maintenance of Deposit Accounts, Management of Advances, Housing Finance, Housing Finance for UCBs, and so on. TC Will publish and share the circulars that are required (refer Annexure below). We will require the domain expert to refer to the latest circulars for this exercise.
Scope of assignment for Domain Expert will be either or all of the tasks below.
- Creation of Question Banks
- Maintenance of Question Banks.
- Review of Question Banks created by another Domain Expert
- Enriching existing Question Banks.
For each Topic, we require the following –
- A Summary Note not exceeding 1500 words with explanations to the latest master circular or master direction in the topic. The document should be mapped to the master circular’s index and should explain each section in simple words. Should there be important references e.g. classification of MSME segment, the same should also be shared in the Summary Note
- Question Set – No. of questions to be created depends upon the size of the Master Circular/Directions. Separate no. of questions are expected based on if the circular is more than or less than 30 pages.

Question Sets will be created as per the instructions provided below.
Instructions for Question Bank Creation
- Summary Note should be provided in MS-Word format.
- Objective Questions should be in in Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format. Some questions may also be provided in Fill In the Blanks, Match the following and any other format which may be possible using learning software TC deploys.
- For MCQs, for each question, necessarily provide –
- The Question lucidly explained.
- 4 (or more) options with one or more correct answers clearly indicated. There may be 1 correct answer (100%), 2 equally correct answers (50% each), 3 or 4 correct answers (with appropriate %ages.
- Feedback for all correct and incorrect answers. (specialised feedback even for the incorrect options is expected).
- Master Circular/Master Direction/Chapter/Document reference from which it is taken.
- Other type of questions should accordingly contain good answer options.
- Each question should be across 3 categories – Complex, Moderate and Simple
- Complex – targeted towards the expert and back-office person of the function. This should challenge his/her knowledge through case scenario, quantitative working or decision making. These could be for 5 marks
- Moderate – should aim to exercise/challenge the front desk/junior person’s knowledge of the subject. Should contain slightly simpler quantitative working, or a business scenario or role implication. These could be for 3 marks
- Simple – Should be good for testing the front desk/junior persons knowledge of concepts, product specifications or process/policy recognition. These could be for 1 mark.
- Please do not include options like ‘none of the above’, ‘all of the above’ etc. in such questions. Give distinct options which will exercise the user’s intelligence.
- The questions should be created anew by you and should not be plagiarised/ copied from any source. If a reference is taken from any publication or internet source (e.g. banker training textbooks, CAIIB text books, etc.), please mention the source so that the same can be given credit to. Questions should be created through the domain expert’s experience and proprietary material. The domain expert indemnifies TrainingCentral Solutions Private Limited from any liability arising from any issues raised by any authority in this regard.
- The project assignment will be to you only. Sub-contracting of the work is not permitted. Any sub-contracting will immediately disqualify you and TC will discontinue the project with you.
- Domain Expert will submit a pilot prior to undertaking the assignment in product/service area of banking and finance opted for.
- TC will share timelines for the question set submission based on the client requirement. We will also discuss the same with the domain expert prior to finalizing the schedule.
Documentation from Trainer
- Documentation
- Non-disclosure Agreement (an NDA)
- Trainer’s PAN Card
- Bank details for remittance of the payment.
- For Assignments of Question Bank Creation
- Payment of question bank on sign-off of the question bank.
All information and documentation given to the Trainer is strictly confidential and may be used only for the purposes of completing this assignment. All documentation and illustration material must be returned immediately on completion or termination of the assignment.
Amendments of the Scope
This Scope document may be amended in writing only, subject to the agreement of both parties.
Manoj Navalkar
Chief Executive
January 28, 2022
Location: ___________
Date: ____________
Annexure – List of Topics for Creation of Question Sets
(Additional topics to be added)
Following is an indicative list of circulars which we may plan to create Question Banks. Selection and prioritisation will be as per requirements from Clients. We propose to focus on the mainstream, conventional banking products and related circulars.
- Common
- Amendment to Master Direction on KYC
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
- Credit Information Companies
- Interest Rate on Deposits
- Master Directions on Frauds – Classification and Reporting by commercial banks and select FIs
- Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Interest Rate on Advances) Directions, 2016
- Master Directions – Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Targets and Classification
- Master Circular- Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions
- Master Circular – Housing Finance
- Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks
- Master Circular – Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances
- Rationalisation of Branch Authorisation Policy- Revision of Guidelines
- Guidelines on Managing Risks and Code of Conduct in Outsourcing of Financial Services by Banks
- Outsourcing of Financial Services – Responsibilities of regulated entities employing Recovery Agents
- Financial Inclusion by Extension of Banking Services – Use of Business Correspondents – Jun 2014
- Exposure Norms Review of Prudential Norms – Risk Weights for Exposures to Corporates, AFCs and NBFC-IFCs
- Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes
- Consolidated Circular on Opening of Current Accounts and CC/OD Accounts by Banks
- Master Direction on Digital Payment Security ControlsGuarantees and Co-acceptances.
- Para-banking Activities
- Commercial Banking
- Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions
- Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
- Operating Guidelines for Small Finance Banks
- MFIs
- Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans) Directions, 2022
- Co-operative Banking
- Management of Advances
- Housing Finance
- Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit
- Exposure Norms and Statutory / Other Restrictions
- Customer Service
- Priority Sector Lending
- Frauds – Classification and Reporting
- Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters
- Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs)
- Board of Directors
- Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit
- Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative BanksArea of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of OfficesInterest Rates on Rupee Deposits – Primary (Urban) Co-operative BanksFinance for Housing SchemesMaintenance of Deposit Accounts – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
- Inspection & Audit Systems in Primary (Urban) Co- operative Banks
- Payment And Settlement Systems
- Specific Products related Circulars
- Housing Finance
- Gold Loan
- Personal Loan
- Edu Loans
- Financial Markets
- Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings
- Accounting and Finance
- Consumer Education and Protection
- Financial Markets
- Foreign Exchange Management
- Issuer of Currency
- Financial Inclusion and Development
- SHG-Bank Linkage Programme
- Common
- Prevention of Insider Trading (Regulation)