TrainingCentral Marketplace

Send a ‘Hi’ to +918433994860 to begin the registration process.
  • The TrainingCentral Marketplace is a service for those professionals and firms with offerings for the BFSI Sectors to leverage TC’s experience, technology expertise, marketing and domain network. We invite those working in any of the 24 sectors in Annexure 1 to use TC’s capabilities for a synergistic relation.

What is your Activity?

How do you want to extend your offerings through the TC Marketplace?

  1. Program Publisher
  2. Reseller/Local Business
  3. Articles Publisher
  4. Trainer Contract
  5. Trainer on Network
  6. Anything else in Training
Send a ‘Hi’ to +918433994860 to begin the registration process.

1. Program Publisher – Publish your courses – Expand your canvas

Do you have e-learning courses, classroom programs, short video lectures, longer duration programs, semester covering lecturers’ schedules, technology-based training programs or any such offerings that can be offered for subscription? Reach out to a wider audience, publish your offerings on the TC Marketplace.

    1. Sign the Publisher’s Agreement

    1. Provide details of your product and review their set-up on our portal.

    1. Use TC’s capabilities in working with content for your courseware development needs.

2. Reseller/Local Business – Resell TC, TC Solutions and TC Marketplace Offerings

You are a finance professional and hence best suited to understand and present the value of our solutions, products and marketplace to a finance industry client.

Earn Reseller commissions of up to 25% one-time or on an annual basis. Access our Corporate Deck (Homepage->Resources->TC Downloads). Reach out to us if you are interested.

3. Articles Publisher – Publish your Articles, Blogs, Videos, Podcasts, other publications.

Gain higher visibility for your regular/periodic inputs in the public press, digital media and online forums by publishing simultaneously on TC’s portal.

4. Trainer Contract

Empanel with TC for contracts that TrainingCentral has with Educational Institutes and Corporates who require short, medium and long term commitment for curriculum delivery.

5. Trainer on Network – Domain Expert – Trainer, Consultant, Advisor

Share your CV highlighting your experience and areas in which you wish to offer your expertise. Would you want to train, write, advise, design content, join a learning initiative, consult or join on contract. TC facilitates this.

Revenue Streams for you

    • Varies on subjects, complexity and expected expertise levels.

    • We also offer Finders Fees for those in the network who introduce successful candidates/applicants.

6. Anything else in Training – Business Idea related to Training, Finance, Resourcing, Tech?

Talk to us. We would love to hear them and evaluate them.

We welcome anyone who wishes to design a pilot, try out an idea without increasing overheads. We derisk the technology component with over a decade’s experience.

Send a ‘Hi’ to +918433994860 to begin the registration process.

Advantages to being associated with TC Marketplace

Go Digital

    • Need to deliver VC-based training with a test post-facto? Use our Virtual Conferencing facility.

    • Wish to record your Videos in a Studio? Record it at our office and save on costs.

    • Want to use a Learning Management System for tests and assignments – User our portal with ready customer support.


Need additional contribution to content and delivery to complete a Program? Search through our content library and Marketplace and we would be happy to facilitate a connection with our network.

    • Use our courses or courses from any of your fellow associates in the marketplace.

    • Design a program jointly with another trainer/firm and deliver seamless value.

Join the DM (Digital Marketing) Bandwagon with us.

Hesitant to decipher the confusing signals that you are getting from digital marketeers?

Gain from TC’s experience and volume pricing advantage for your focused and sustained digital marketing initiative. Track the progress on your keywords, channels and effectiveness.

Co-participate in Events, Conferences, etc.

A key channel for TC’s marketing is participation in events like conferences, exhibitions, Trade fairs. Should Associates wish to participate along with TC or through some joint arrangement, we would be happy to discuss the same.

Aggregate with CRLP

TrainingCentral’s Content-Ready Learning Portal (CRLP) is a flagship offering from TC. Clients subscribe to CRLP and gain not only a portal, but also effective, relevant and incisive content required for their training in compliance, regulations, functions, products and other areas. Associates can participate in transactions in whichever role they are associated with TC marketplace – as resellers, publishers, trainers, content providers or any other requirements from the Client.


Our communications with you will be non-intrusive and only on-needs basis, through the following means –

    1. TC Marketplace Empanelment

    1. TC E-mail Broadcasts

    1. TC FinNet Listing

    1. WhatsApp Broadcasts

What the Marketplace offers and doesn’t offer

    • Yes – You can go digital using our learning management framework.

    • Yes – Use our solutions to enhance and enable different powerful features.

    • Yes – You don’t have to worry about first-level technology and helpdesk support for your clients (for those subscribing to our learning portal services.

    • No – We don’t assure business.

    • No – We don’t engage in a retainer unless for our own or client projects.

    • No – We don’t update your content. Your content is your IP, and you are responsible for keeping it up to date.

    • No – We don’t underwrite Associate products with our client, but we do review for quality.
Send a ‘Hi’ to +918433994860 to begin the registration process.

TrainingCentral Contacts and Reference numbers

Chief Executive Manoj Navalkar
E-mail id to get in touch
Landline +91-22-23854860
Get onto the TC Domain Expert Network Send a WhatsApp Message to Mobile +91 84339 94860
Register on the Network

Annexure 1 – Industry Categories and sub-categories

No. Categories Categories
1 Retail Banking RB
2 Commercial Banking CB
3 Banking & Finance Infrastructure BFI
4 Non-Banking Finance NBF
5 Ratings RAT
6 Risk Management RM
7 Treasury TR
8 Capital Markets CM
9 Consulting CON
10 Investment Banking IB
11 Project Finance PF
12 Financial Inclusion FI
13 Insurance INS
14 Life Insurance LI
15 General Insurance GI
16 Health Insurance HI
17 Corporate Finance CF
18 Technology Solutions TS
19 Services SER
20 Ancillary Services AS
21 General Banking GB
22 Compliance COM
23 Behavioural BEH
24 Productivity PRD

Annexure 2 – Agreements, Templates, Formats

No. Document Reference
1. Publisher’s Agreement
2 Publisher’s Pricing
3 Licensed Courses Marketing Details
4 Business Associate MoU
5 TC Domain Expert Profile Template

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