150528 TCUpdate: Pol300

Over 300 participants complete TC Certification on Foundations in Banking and Accounting
The TrainingCentral program – ‘Foundations in Banking and Accounting’ – provides a strong grounding in concepts to those who need this knowledge in their day-to-day responsibilities. The program is geared for those who work in the Banking, Financial Services and operations support areas like BFSI IT, KPO, LPO and BPO domains.TrainingCentral Certification roll-out at Polaris started off in mid-2014 (refer our mailer on 1 Aug, 2014) and we are pleased to convey that over 300 participants have taken advantage of a versatile program till date at various office locations.
As a nex-gen step of the program, we are now at the drawing board to design a totally online version of this program, with games, interactivity and special structures.
Testimonial - Anandhi
Testimonial - DW
For the program structure, click here.
With Warm Regards,
TrainingCentral Team
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