141125 A Case for Subjective Assessments and Outsourced Grading

Scalable Subjective Assessments and Outsourced Grading

Business Objective

Subjective Assessments are useful for cases where the participant has to articulate a subjective response or has to provide an opinion on submitted documents e.g. Credit Notes, Legal Documents, etc. The participant submissions are graded as per a pre-defined grading framework


The design and implementation is closely implemented with the client functional departments and has the following phases

Training Methodology

  1. Identification of Scoring Framework
  2. Cases Identification
  3. Case Assessments by TC DEs
  4. Mapping of cases to RMs
    • Project Finance RMs
    • Working Capital RMs
  5. Opening Access to RMs to cases
  6. Submission of cases by RMs
  7. Assessing CAM quality by TC DEs
  8. Submission of subjective and objective feedback on CAMs

Target Audience
Relationship Managers, Branch Front-line staff

Total duration – 3-5 weeks

To train employees in the areas of Credit Risk, Legal, Collections and Relationship Management, to check on problem solving, situation handling and articulation in a document by the employee.


  • Cost-effective, with minimal travel by candidates
  • Scalable, as TrainingCentral Domain Experts do the grading
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