The Need for Higher POSH Awareness in Work From Home (WFH) timesWith a large proportion of the workforce working from home during the pandemic, companies are waking up to new, unanticipated challenges. The informal home environment, absence of a supervisory authority and potential domestic frustrations due to the extended lockdowns seem to have slackened male employees’ self-discipline when interacting with female and junior colleagues. The number of cases reported relating to Sexual Harassment have surprisingly increased!
In order to increase awareness of what constitutes Sexual Harassment, even if through remote communication modes like web conferencing, conference calls, phone calls and e-mails, we have updated our POSH Course to include WFH-specific instructions.Click here for detailsWrite to us at for demo access
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Newspaper Article
Mirror, Mumbai dated 31 May, 2020
Need for higher Awareness of POSH when working from Home
The Workforce needs to be cautioned that working from home does not mean including the informality of working from home into the workplace interactions. Updates to the POSH course from TrainingCentral includes guidelines that the employee should follow when working from home.