150814 VWFS 1000


anti_trust Money Laundering ISA PITR KYC email_etiquette whistleblower_policy
Volkswagen Financial Services (VWFS) has stringent training and compliance guidelines laid down by parent organisation, Volkswagen Finance, Germany. And to ensure multi-city, across-the-organisation compliance training, VWFS initially subscribed to TrainingCentral’s courses – Know Your Customer (NBFC version) and Anti-Money Laundering (NBFC version) in 2011-12.
Since then, every employee undergoes periodic training in online compliance courses covering KYC, AML, Confidentiality and Anti-Trust Laws, Whistleblower Policy and Information Security Awareness hosted on TrainingCentral’s portal. The number of subscriptions exceeds 1,150, with additional courses like ‘Finance For Auto Sales’, Product Certifications, etc. under development.
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tc_logo Click for Compliance Course catalogue page on the TC Portal
Key Features of TrainingCentral’s Catalogue are –

  • Deployable over your own portal or on TrainingCentral Servers
  • Periodic update of content and tests to ensure up-to-date knowledge
  • Certification and ‘Self-Attestation’ structures
  • Ability to reach 100% of the Employees through online access to courses
  • TC takes total outsource responsibility of Systems, Operations and MIS
  • Accessible through all devices


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